It’s a waste of time asking archaeologists what
Stonehenge really was because they do not want you to know.
So how long have they known, and when did they
first find out? According to my
reckoning they made that fateful decision sometime around 1938 and are now forced
into further lies to cover up the original travesty.
Well, I cannot say that I wasn’t warned. “They
own the stage, and they say what goes on it - And what does not” as an
educated colleague once said. And that goes for the media too!
I set out to solve Stonehenge 11 years ago because
I thought it would make me rich and famous… popular even. It did neither -
quite the opposite, in fact. But enough of my griping, let’s get on with the
job of telling you what Stonehenge really was, and where the proofs came
from. However, if you would rather Stonehenge
remain as a mystery untold then this blog is definitely not for you.
Like I said, I started my researches to solve
Stonehenge some 11 years ago, and it took me six years to do it - so it’s a bit
late to use this blog as a day-to-day diary of events that started in the
summer of 2001. Great pity, really, because if I had kept a diary,
especially of its immense cost to me - a private individual - I could be
looking at a fair sum of money in the form of a tax rebate.
I see that English Heritage have wheeled out yet another
updated plan-view of Stonehenge - one that has been produced from modern surveys
and cannot therefore be a true representation of the original because of the
many inaccurate restorations made during the twentieth century. It’s not that I
wish to pick fault with the likes of Professor Atkinson, Col Hawley, William Gowland,
et al, they did their best with limited resources that were available to them -
such as computers, GPS surveys, ground penetrating radar, LIDAR, etc.
Nevertheless, despite the equipment that we possess
today, only two surveys remain that portray Stonehenge as it originally was
before being messed about by 20th century restorations - that made
in 1740 by the architect and professional surveyor, John Wood; and also by the
Egyptologist, Flinders Petrie in 1880.
Petrie did nothing to make Wood’s plan more
accurate than it already was, other than adding a few extra details that Wood
overlooked due to failing light on the last day of his survey. For example, by probing
to find the length of the partially buried Altar Stone - something Wood did not
do - Petrie came up with a figure that equals six of Professor Thom’s
megalithic yards. Petrie also correctly positioned bluestone 72 hard-against
trilithon upright stone 60 where it truly belonged. (Wood completely omitted
stone 72 of the bluestone horseshoe in his plan - a very unfortunate oversight!)

1: John
Wood’s 1740 plan of Stonehenge produced on CAD from John’s own measurements.
All measurements shown are in megalithic yards.
I’m not proud of the
Time Team, it hasn’t worked. And I’m totally dissatisfied with my time at
Bristol University. Archaeology in Britain is a shambles from top to bottom.
The forces of darkness and evil are stalking the land again. Professor Mick Aston retired, writing in the British
Archaeology Magazine, March/April 2012.
like sour grapes to me, and I guess there must be some rancid grapes in there
somewhere. Personally, I think the Time Team did, and still does do a fine job.
I sat glued to the telly almost every Sunday afternoon when they first started
and enjoyed every episode. It was most
probably the Time Team that fired my interest in archaeology - especially the
archaeology to do with Stonehenge’s underlying purpose.
the Stone Age is one area of archaeology that archaeologists continue to lie
about, for they do know exactly what Stonehenge was, and has done for a very
long time. With archaeologists continuing to stubbornly refuse to bow to the
truth, Mick is right about the corruption that is affecting his industry.
A lot of what I’ve said here is very heartfelt,
you know. It could get me into trouble. I’m too honest. I say what I think, not
what I think I ought to say. It’s a great weakness really. Mick Aston Current Archaeology Magazine, October 2012.
Aston ought to regard his honesty as strength, not weakness, and knuckle down
to the task of challenging his colleagues to sort archaeology out - as I
recently suggested he should.
just how long has this cover-up been going on? Best ask them - for only they
know. Perhaps it began when they started to suspect that Stonehenge - that
great monument of which we British are so proud - was probably designed and
built by visiting German tribes. Archaeologists made this discovery just
before the commencement of the Second-World-War when Hitler was at his very
worst behaviour.
Wainwright is one archaeologist who surely must have suspected that German
tribes had had a hand in the design of Stonehenge; because when referring
many years ago to the causewayed camps of Windmill Hill near Avebury and
Robin Hood’s Ball near Stonehenge… both of which are earlier in date than
either the Avebury henge or Stonehenge itself, he said… both are
essentially a British phenomenon,
although the causewayed camps can be compared with ditched enclosures in the
Michelsburg culture.
Well, Michelsburg is a
Neolithic hill fort in Germany. The
people who lived there made the very first beaker-style pottery that later became
widespread when thousands of these beautifully decorated drinking vessels found
their way into just about every Bronze Age burial monument of Europe.
Unfortunately for history, and historians, the Michelsburger’s disappeared to
some unknown place about 500 years before Stonehenge was built; because the Rhine
that once circled the base of their fort changed its course and moved several kilometres
Causewayed enclosures are by
no means the only evidence we have that Stonehenge was built by German tribes.
amber in the form of trinkets and jewellery has been found in many Bronze Age
sites, especially the amber beads that were found at the bottom of the 30-metre-deep
Neolithic Wilsford Shaft near Stonehenge. Although located in a slight dip and therefore
out of sight of Stonehenge itself, this shaft is in-line with the setting of
the minor moon from Stonehenge - and for good reason. We will
learn about this later.
Niedermendig lava, a type of stone mined from a quarry near Frankfurt, and absolutely
unique to Germany, has been found buried inside Stonehenge. It has also been
found at a Neolithic settlement-site alongside Avebury’s West Kennet Avenue of
paired stones - and at Avebury’s Sanctuary to which Avebury was physically linked.
These finds of Niedermendig
lava prove a common hypothesis for the Stone Age. So whatever it was that was
going on at Stonehenge was also going on at Avebury. We cannot prove one
without considering the other.
in 1956, Professor Alexander Thom discovered something that threatened to bring
the whole house of cards crashing down - Woodhenge was a moon-egg intended
to be fertilised by a shaft of solstice sunlight.
The Real Woodhenge